
You remember him as a toddler, shyly hiding behind your legs. Now, he’s singing in the school play.

You remember her struggling with the times tables. Now, she’s a key member of a robotics team at a city-wide competition. 

At the first basketball game of his high school career, you are shocked to see him transform from the mild-mannered kid you know to the fiercest competitor on the court.

And at home, it feels like they go straight into their rooms and close the door, and it’s hard to get a word out of them. But, at parent-teacher conferences last week you heard about a highly engaged, quirky kid who participates in class, supports their peers and joined the yearbook committee.

It can sometimes feel like a case of mistaken identity. Or like your teenager must have a secret life!

Our teenagers can really surprise us. They are exploring the world, their friendships, their passions, and through this they are becoming more independent. This can be both wonderful and hard to watch at the same time; the person we used to know everything about is beginning to have a life of their own. 

As parents, guardians and educators, we run the risk of putting our kids in a box. “Oh, my child would never dream of performing at Greenwood Mic!” or “They are way too young to have a girlfriend, and besides, I would know!”

The beauty of the teenage years is that these young people are becoming their own person. They may explore activities that we didn’t think would interest them.They may try to work out their own problems. They may talk to peers instead of us. 

I am reminded often that it’s so important that we give them this space to figure themselves out. 

And as an educator, it is so fun to watch. I have had the privilege to watch the Class of 2024 throughout their time at Greenwood. That shy student who walked into Greenwood as a timid Grade 7 is now a House Captain and role model to others. The teen that once seemed unlikely to participate in co-curriculars now runs their own club. And as the calendar year rolls so soon into 2024, all these young adults are looking ahead to their life after Greenwood and all the excitement and opportunity that lays ahead.

Students can change so much during their time in middle school and high school. I am so grateful to be a part of this journey.

Greenwood College School

443 Mount Pleasant Road
Toronto, ON M4S 2L8
Tel: 416 482 9811
We acknowledge with gratitude the Ancestral lands upon which our main campus is situated. These lands are the Ancestral territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Anishinabek and the Wendake. The shared responsibility of this land is honoured in the Dish with One Spoon Treaty and as settlers, we strive to care for the land, the waters, and all creatures in the spirit of peace. We are responsible for respecting and supporting the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. When away from this campus we vow to be respectful to the land by protecting and honouring it. We will create relationships with the people and the land we may visit by understanding the territories we enter and the nations who inhabit them.
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