Do You Like Winter?

This past weekend’s blast of winter weather got me thinking: Do you like winter?  It's a simple question on the surface, but when we delve deeper, we realize that the answer isn't always straightforward.

Winter, much like many aspects of life, can be a mix of both joy and challenges. Some of us revel in the winter wonderland, enjoying activities like skiing, skating, building snow forts, or cozying up by the fire with a good book. These moments can be truly magical, offering a sense of joy and wonder that is unique to the season.

On the other hand, winter also brings its fair share of unpleasant experiences. Shovelling snow, navigating icy roads, and enduring the bitter cold that you can feel no matter how many layers you wear. It's during these times that we may find ourselves wishing for warmer days and an end to the winter.
This dichotomy of liking and disliking aspects of winter is a reflection of a broader truth in life. There are many things that we can both like and dislike, and that's perfectly okay. Take, for example, the dedication required for school, the rigorous training for sports, or the repetitive nature of rehearsing for a performance. While these activities may have their challenges, they are also incredibly rewarding and worth the effort. 

Also, keeping in mind, sometimes, it's okay to not have a strong opinion either way. You may not like or dislike something or even have an opinion on a matter–yet. I’ve been asked my opinion on a few things and had to express that I really hadn’t given it enough thought or research to have an educated opinion. You may also notice that there are aspects of life that do not evoke strong feelings, and that's perfectly normal, too. It's important to recognize that our preferences can be complex and nuanced, and often evolve over time.

As we enjoy or endure the remainder of the winter weather (or perhaps a bit of both), let's embrace the complexity of our feelings and experiences. Whether you're a winter enthusiast or someone who prefers the warmth of summer, remember that it's okay to feel both ways. What matters most is how we choose to embrace and appreciate the moments, both big and small, that life presents us.
Wishing you all an enjoyable remainder of the winter season as well as a reminder that Spring is just around the corner. 

Greenwood College School

443 Mount Pleasant Road
Toronto, ON M4S 2L8
Tel: 416 482 9811
We acknowledge with gratitude the Ancestral lands upon which our main campus is situated. These lands are the Ancestral territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Anishinabek and the Wendake. The shared responsibility of this land is honoured in the Dish with One Spoon Treaty and as settlers, we strive to care for the land, the waters, and all creatures in the spirit of peace. We are responsible for respecting and supporting the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. When away from this campus we vow to be respectful to the land by protecting and honouring it. We will create relationships with the people and the land we may visit by understanding the territories we enter and the nations who inhabit them.
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